Friday, December 29, 2006

where have they all gone?????????

Where have they all gone?????? This is the question that comes to my mind when I realise that I can no longer see the little sparrows that chirped in the backyard of my house. Every morning it was a welcome sight to see these little birds twitter around. In the last three years I have not seen them at all. Honestly speaking I really miss them and their twitter and chirp. It was only later that I got to know that these little birds are affected by the unseen radiations emitted out of our cellular phones. Even today when I go trekking or college study trips and see these little sparrows it gives me a strange happiness to know that they still exist just that they no longer want to live in the city. These little sparrows have been such good silent teachers who teach us the way of life.

Another bird that I haven’t seen for a long time is the vulture. I know a lot of people find the bird extremely ugly but it always fascinated as a kid and it fascinates me even now. Today these bald headed natural scavengers are standing on the brink of extinction. It is very sad that we are responsible for the extinction of these birds. Lets make an effort to save the natural scavengers.


Ash said...

I never knew you cared so much for nature.
I'm happy to find you.

Unknown said...

I agree to your sentiments about the sparrows. For I've grown up with them in my balcony.

Vultures only fascinated me as they are natural scavengers. Your outlook gave me a different direction.